Per a repassar els nombres fins el 20:
Els colors:
Les formes:
Escriure en anglès:
Feu el temps i repasseu els mesos :
Aquí teniu un excel.lent joc per jugar amb les lliures i els penics:
Què tal si ens posem a treballar en un súper anglès?
Apreneu les formes
Monday, 30 May 2011
Saturday, 28 May 2011
Months of the year (Segon, atents a aquest tema)
Games to revise the months of the year:
Treasure Hunt. Cacera de Tresor. El casament reial.
A few days ago, some of you were interested in the last royal wedding in UK. This exercise is a Treasure Hunt. The questions were prepared for K3 students (from 11 to 14 years old). Ask for your parents' help if necessary. I'm reading your answers next weekend and they'll be rewarded as usual.
Fa alguns dies alguns em vau fer preguntes sobre l'últim casament reial. Aquest exercici és una cacera del tresor. Vaig preparar aquestes preguntes per a un grup de cinquè. Si ho trobeu molt difícil, demaneu ajuda als pares. El cap de setmana que ve miraré les vostres respostes i sereu premiats com sempre.
Some games:
Sunday, 22 May 2011
Visiting London
I've just finished this map. There are five blue balloons. Click on them .
Acabo de fer aquest mapa. Hi ha cinc globus blaus. Cliqueu-hi a sobre.
Ver London one-day tour en un mapa más grande
Acabo de fer aquest mapa. Hi ha cinc globus blaus. Cliqueu-hi a sobre.
Ver London one-day tour en un mapa más grande
Segons la informació que us ha donat el mapa, digueu el nom dels cinc llocs que us mostren les fotos.
The three first answers will be rewarded.
Wednesday, 18 May 2011
Monday, 16 May 2011
Countries in the U.K.
How much do you know about the countries and cities in the U.K.?
Complete these sentences using:
Cardiff - Belfast - Kingdom - Edinburgh - Scotland - London - Twelve - four
There are _____ countries in the United Kingdom.
The countries are Northern Ireland, _____, England and Wales.
The capital or Northern Ireland is _____.
The capital of Scotland is _____ .
The capital of England is _____ .
And the capital of Wales is _____ .
London is the biggest city in the United _____ .
Sunday, 15 May 2011
Great Britain
To know some important places in the country.
To know some important places in the country.
Friday, 13 May 2011
Sunday, 8 May 2011
Last week we worked feelings and emotions. Let's have a look again
Gnomeo and Juliet's balcony scene
Saturday, 7 May 2011
Justin Bieber's Jigsaw
Do you like jigsaws?
Try to do this one as fast as you can
Lyrics Training // Justin Bieber & Jaden Smith - Never Say Never
Other interesting jigsaw
Parliament by Night Jigsaw Puzzle
Try to do this one as fast as you can
Lyrics Training // Justin Bieber & Jaden Smith - Never Say Never
Other interesting jigsaw
Tuesday, 3 May 2011
Cicle Inicial. Segon. The princess and the pea.
Monday, 2 May 2011
Happy Mother's Day Feliç dia de la mare
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