Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Games, games and games

Let's play with English! Letters, numbers, shapes and lots of fun for a long weekend. Start  at the k level and go on. The navigation is very easy to use. Si no entens aquest missatge, utilitza el traductor del costat!


Sunday, 27 November 2011

Artistic competence: Draw your interactive Stickman

Ninot interactiu
A tots ens agrada fer ninots i més quan hi podem jugar i moure'ls. Quan acabis de dibuixar, només cal apretar el DONE. Cal seguir molt bé les normes. Follow the rules exactly and tick DONE. Wait and See what will happen.

Sunday, 25 September 2011

Tomorrow 26th is the European Day of  Languages. Demà se celebra la Diada Europea de les llengües.
A Europa es parlen 41 llengües. Sabries dir a on es parla cadascuna? Let's play!!!

Friday, 22 July 2011

Social and civic competence games

Playing sports
Ping Pong                                             
More sport games

Visiting Museums

        All UK museums games


.Let's make a flipbook
.Match game I
.Match Game II
.Word search
.The skeleton song
.A scary story

. Decorating eggs

Daily  activities
. At the supermarket                                      
.  Dressing up
 A Wedding
. Sending a card to a friend

Good Manners make life easier
. Good manners' video
. Handwashing

Our situation in the world
European Languages
European Flags memory game 

Saturday, 2 July 2011

Competència matemàtica . Jocs.

On-line Games in English to develope the mathematical competence / Jocs On-line per desenvolupar la competència matemàtica en anglès.



Trobareu cents d'exercicis de matemàtiques en anglès per a Cicle Inicial a :

Monday, 20 June 2011

Michael Jackson and the premonition. English teachers supporting 15th March movement

Skin head
dead head
Everybody gone bad
Everybody allegation
In the suite
on the news
Everybody dog food
Bang bang
shot dead
Everybody's gone mad
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us

Friday, 3 June 2011

Some questions about the weather. Preguntes sobre el temps.

Today we have finished  our project about the weather. Avui hem acabat el llibre del temps. A veure què hem après. Let's remember a few things. Si no sabeu com enviar-me les respostes, dieu als pares que m'ho enviïn a teacherrose1964@gmail.com:

   a) The name of the four seasons

   b) The sun sh ....s
       The wind bl ...s

  c) In winter, It's .....
      In summer, It's ....
      In spring, It r.....     
      In autumn, the leaves....   



 d) Translate:  Sky, Fog, Wind, Snow, Thunder, Lightning.

 e) Do you remember the colours of the rainbow?

 f)   What are thick clothes? and light clothes?

g)    The months of the year

h)   Put in order the parts of the water cycle

i)   What's the weather like today?


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